MyIR Mobile in partnership with your State Health Department allows you to review your immunization history (including COVID-19 vaccinations), get reminders for future immunizations, and even print your own official records. It’s free, simple and secure. Click the link below to see if your state participates and register.
COVID-19: Where Can I Get Tested?
You may choose to get tested by your private health provider, various health care agenices (where advertised), the Tougaloo College Campus Clinic (Central MS Health Services), or a MS State Department of Health (MSDH) county health department. Call 601-957-6776 to schedule a drive-thru appointment at the Campus Clinic. Remember to ask about no-cost or reduced-cost testing resources, if you are uninsured, and whether testing is covered by any health insurance you may have. Testing is not free through this option.
Testing for college and university students and employees is free at the MSDH county health departments throughout the state. Please, access the Scheduled Locations for Free Drive-through COVID-19 Testing and testing protocol on the MSDH website or copy and paste this link,22406,420,874.html in the address bar of your web browser.
OHWC Campus and Community Health Assessment
Please, complete the TC OHWC Campus and Community Assessment. By completing this assessment, you will assist us in better gauging the overall health and needs of the students, employees, and community members that we serve. Your responses will also help us to customize health education opportunities, formalize strategic partnerships, and build innovative funding streams that will lead to healthy outcomes for students, employees, and community. Click on this link TC OHWC Campus and Community Assessment to complete the survey and to support our “Healthy Loo & You.”