Welcome to Tougaloo College!
We envision the ECHS becoming a top ranked academic program of innovation wherein our staff and students demonstrate growth and increasing proficiency while seeking opportunities to explore the world as a classroom in order to see, experience, and do what is learned while preparing students to graduate high school without the need for remediation upon entry into college, vocational schools, or career pathways.
Key Outcomes:
- Become a Model School of Innovation
- Staff and Students Experience Growth
- Students Increase Proficiency Levels
- Students See, Experience, and Do What is Learned
- Students Graduate High School with No Need for College Level Remediation
We are committed to creating a top ranked academic program by facilitating authentic educational experiences (both inside and outside of the classroom) which empower students and staff to serve as agents of change while engaging in personal, professional, and social transformation via:
- Strategic Thinking
- Goal Setting
- Continuous Learning
- Continuous Improvement
- Collaboration
- Innovation
- Service Learning/Community Service Activities
- Personal Reflection
- Personalized College and Career Preparation
- Modeling a Culture of High Expectations