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When There is a FIGHT
- Contact Public Safety at 601-977-7857.
- Keep other students as calm as possible and remove them from the area.
- Do not attempt to physically break up the fight unless someone's life is in imminent danger.
- Calmly talk with instigator to calm him/her.
- Learn as much as you can about the cause of the conflict between the subjects.
- Attempt to assist subjects in exploring better alternatives to settling the dispute.
When an Individual Pulls a Weapon and Threatens Violence
- Contact Public Safety immediately at 601.977.7857.
- Always do as the individual demands.
- Do not make sudden moves which could frighten the subject.
- Never argue with the individual.
- Learn as much as you can about what is going on with the subject.
- Keep the subject's attention on you, not on the other students.
- Mentally record a detailed description of the individual and the weapon.
- Remember what objects the intruder touches and preserve them for evidence.
- It is critically important to preserve the crime scene and never touch, move or disturb any possible evidence or objects at the site.
- If the subject begins to behave violently or fire a gun, tell students to get away from the person and lie on the floor.
- Physical force should not be used unless someone's life is in imminent danger.