Department of English

Mission Statement

English Department: "Tales of Terror"

The Department of English & Modern Languages encourages intellectual curiosity, social consciousness, and cultural accountability through the study of language and literature. The Department engages a broad range of literary and linguistic study to promote an appreciation of diverse human communication. Within the department, there is a dedicated focus to the philosophy of “writing across the curriculum” through intentional interdisciplinary engagement throughout the department curriculum.


Further, the Department of English & Modern Languages is responsible for administering general education courses in Composition, Literature, Modern Languages, and Speech. As a service department for the College, it assists students with mastery of communication skills and provides activities that contribute to a comprehensive liberal arts education. As a unit offering courses leading to a major in the discipline, the Department of English prepares students for advanced study in literature, linguistics, law, education, and other related fields.


Student Learning Outcomes

1. Students will demonstrate familiarity with the terminology and basic findings of linguistic analysis—student comprehensive exams.

2. Students will evaluate, analyze, and synthesize the content (major works, moments, figures) found in African American, American, and British Literatures—student comprehensive exams.

3. Students will demonstrate the ability to generate original academic thought, conduct sustained research, exhibit critical thinking skills, and analyze and synthesize texts.—senior thesis

4. Students will demonstrate proficiency in standard English communication and the ability to produce organized academic writing.—senior thesis

The Senior Comprehensive Exams and the Senior Thesis are the assessment tools for the department’s student learning outcomes.


The Curriculum

The Department of English and Modern Languages at Tougaloo College offers students a rigorous curriculum that embraces both literary and linguistic study, research, and cultural enrichment. Our majors enroll in 46 to 55 hours beyond the general education requirements. We offer a wide range of exciting and engaging courses, such as:

  • African American Literature
  • African Literature
  • Creative Writing
  • Mythology & Folklore
  • Film & Visual Culture
  • History of the English Language
  • Mississippi Writers