Welcome to the L. Zenobia Coleman Library! Through its collection, its service, and its staff, the Coleman Library supports the academic programs of Tougaloo College by providing print and electronic resources to support all curricular studies at Tougaloo College. We are here to help you in any way possible—Let us serve you!
The Library staff is trained to assist all faculty and students with a wide range of research activities. It is the librarians' intent that each student at Tougaloo College develops transferable skills to enhance life-long learning through instruction and skilled use of the materials available. With these skills, students will be empowered to navigate resources at libraries worldwide.
Mission Statement
The mission of the L. Zenobia Coleman Library is to identify and provide the information and library resources needed by members of the College community in their study, teaching, research, public service and professional development; to instruct and assist in the use of library resources and services; to share in the development and implementation of the College's educational and research programs; to cooperate with other libraries and information providers; and to participate in area, state, and national professional library activities.
Physical Building
Completed in 1972, the L. Zenobia Coleman Library building houses the Library collection and College Archives on the first, second, and third floors. The building also houses classrooms on the first and third floors and comfortable seating and study spaces for individual students and student groups.
Computers and Printers: The Office of Information Technology Department provides 64 computer stations connected to 2 networked printers on the first floor. Students can print from library computers at no cost, but printing is limited to academic study purposes only.
Photocopiers: One photocopier is available for use at 10 cents per page.