Brown-Tougaloo Partnership Programs


Woodworth Chapel Tougaloo College
  • 2.5 min GPA
  • Perfect for students who are
    • motivated
    • inquiring
    • juniors
Manning Chapel Brown University

Fill out a Statement of Interest and bring it to Whitney McDowell Robinson on 3rd Floor of the Library.

Brown University - Tougaloo College Partnership (BTP)

The Brown-Tougaloo Partnership is a multifaceted relationship between Tougaloo College and Brown University that was formed in 1963 and formalized  in 1964, during  the  Civil  Rights  Era. The Partnership offers opportunities for student and faculty academic exchanges, collaborative research ventures, and administrative engagements. This engagement between the histories and lives of a southern, historically black college and a northern, largely white Ivy-League university  has inspired and influenced individuals on both campuses.

Since  its  inception,  over  760  Tougaloo  and  Brown  students  and  faculty  have participated in the program.

The Brown-Tougaloo Partnership includes the following components: the Student Semester Exchange Program, the Civil Rights mini-exchange, the Black Lavender Experience mini-exchange, faculty exchanges and collaboration, and Early Identification Programs in Medicine and in Public Health.

The Brown-Tougaloo Partnership includes the following components:

  • Student Semester Exchange Program
  • Civil Rights Intensive Experience
  • The Black Lavender Experience
  • Bonner Scholars
  • Faculty Exchanges
  • Summer School
  • SPS Teaching
  • Leadership Alliance
  • FYRE Program
  • EIP School of Public Health *
  • STEM Programs *
  • EIP Medical School Program *
  • Graduate School Faculty Fellows Program *

* selective programs

Brown-Tougaloo Partnership Program Descriptions

Student Semester Exchange Program

This program offers students the opportunity to study at Brown University, regardless of major, for one semester of their sophomore or junior year. Academic credits are awarded by the home institution after review. If you are accepted you may apply for financial aid, and if you have a scholarship it goes with you. Motivated students may participate in research and/or internship positions during the semester and/or in the continuous summer. For these additional experiences, contact the BTP representatives on campus early, so they can help you organize these activities.

Application Deadlines:

  • January 15th for Fall Applicants
  • April 1st for Summer Applicants
  • September 15th for Spring Applicants

Bernstein Scholars – The BTP offers a stipend for students interested in pursuing independent study or other projects that promote and benefit the BTP.

Civil Rights Intensive Experience

The Civil Rights Intensive Exchange Experience is a week-long trip that incorporates Brown students that travel to Tougaloo during Brown’s Spring Break. The aim of the exchange is to study the history of the Civil Rights Movement in Mississippi. Students are provided with readings at the beginning of the semester to prepare them for the exchange.

Application Deadline: (Internal selection process based on lead faculty member)

The Black Lavender Experience

This week-long intensive exchange is designed with two principal goals: first, students will have the rare opportunity to participate in a dialogue about issues confronting the LGBTQ/I community within the context of theatre. They will engage in conversations around aspects of social justice; visit various classes; and work directly with the “Rites and Reason” Theatre in the production of The Black Lavender Experience plays. Second, the trip also promotes the historic Brown-Tougaloo Partnership, and encourages Tougaloo students to participate in a semester-long exchange at Brown.

Application Deadline: March 5th

Bonner Scholars

The Bonner Community Fellows Program at Brown is a four-year fellowship that aims to combine a student’s involvement in community service and passion for social justice with their academic and career goals that incorporates at week-long trip to Tougaloo College. The program works to address issues in one of five focus areas: Education, Healthcare, Environment, Economic Justice and the Arts. Together with community partners, Fellows strive to build socially just communities where people have the resources they need to reach their full potential.

Application Deadlines: (Internal selection process based on lead faculty member)

Faculty & Staff Exchanges

This program is designed to strengthen the relationship between the two institutions by building faculty and staff connections. Faculty have offered a single or a series of lectures or workshops, or visited with colleagues to discuss teaching issues. Staff have consulted on a variety of special projects as needed. A new Virtual Faculty Exchange was started in 2007.

Summer School

Students are welcome to apply for admission to the Brown Summer Sessions. Students must be in good standing at their institution in order to apply. The cost of attendance to Tougaloo College students will be $300, which includes room, board, and selected courses.

Summer Research

There are many opportunities for Tougaloo students to participate in research at Brown through The Leadership Alliance and other departments.

Leadership Alliance

Nine-week summer research for undergraduates interested in exploring the nature of advanced graduate school study. Provides a stipend, housing, and travel, as well as preparation for the graduate school application process and professional development. All students present their research at the Leadership Alliance National Symposium.

Application Deadline: February 1st

SPS Training

FYRE Program

The FYRE program introduces first-year students to research. Students must be invited or have the support of a Tougaloo faculty person or advisor to apply. Students submit an application to engage in specific research projects as described on the FYRE web site in consultation with Tougaloo staff or faculty.

Application Deadline: February 19th

Selective Programs

As part of the Tougaloo College-Brown University Program, the College and Brown's School of Medicine conduct a joint program in medical education.  One  to  three  students  are  identified  at  the end  of their sophomore year as Brown Medical students, and a place is held for them in the medical school pending successful  completion  of  pre-medical  training  at  Tougaloo  College.

Students usually do research at Brown prior to matriculation in the medical school. In addition, Early Identification students are required to participate in the student exchange program with Brown.

  • EIP School of Public Health
  • STEM Programs
  • EIP Medical School Program
  • Graduate School Faculty Fellows Program