Visually Impaired Persons
In an emergency, tell the person the nature of the emergency and offer to guide them to the nearest emergency exit. Have the person take your arm and escort them out. This is the preferred method when acting as a "sighted guide".
Hearing Impaired Persons
Write a note, telling what the emergency is and the nearest evacuation route. For example: "Fire - go out the rear door to the right, and down, NOW".
Turn light switch off and on to gain the person's attention and then use gestures to show what to do.
Ambulatory Persons Using Crutches, Canes, and/or Walkers
Carrying options include a two-person locked arm position or having the person sit in a sturdy chair, preferable one with arms. If time permits, call Public Safety for assistance.
Non-Ambulatory Persons (e.g., wheelchairs)
Contact Public Safety, and then move to an area of refuge such as a stairwell, if possible. For assistance in identifying areas of refuge (shelter-in-place) for your area before an emergency occurs, contact Public Safety at ext. 7857.
There are many considerations when moving someone who is in a wheelchair. For example, wheelchairs have moveable parts and some are not designed to withstand the stress of lifting a person. You may have to remove chair batteries. Life support equipment may also be attached. Because lifting a person with minimal ability to move may be dangerous to them, pre-planning for individual needs is best.
When Lifting a Person, Remember to Use Proper Lifting Techniques
- Never try to lift someone alone. Always get two persons to help lift a person.
- Place one foot a little ahead of the other with toes pointed out slightly.
- Place your feet about shoulder width apart.
- Bend at your knees and lift yourself and the person with your legs, keeping your back straight.