Welcome to the Student Success Center at Tougaloo College. The Student Success Center helps students soar to new heights by providing support to meet their individual, academic, and personal goals. A nurturing culture of self-mastery and a sense of empowerment, the Center aims to ensure students have the tools to graduate from Tougaloo College. The Center prepares its students to be productive in their time and lead the change for a better world.
The Center offers a variety of academic assistance: individualized tutoring, self-assessments, supplemental re-teaching, workshops, academic development courses, and support programs for Tougaloo’s diverse student body. If you have a question about the steps to take for academic success, walk towards the Success Center.
Director’s message
At Tougaloo, we take integration seriously and every first-year student is provided additional supportive services by the Success Center. The Center empowers each student using personalized methods to create a learner-centered environment. Through ongoing assessment of student achievement, the Center aspires to personalize education, establish research on learning, and continuously improve curriculum. In other words, all of our faculty and staff work together to prepare students to be lifelong learners who are committed to leadership and service in a global society.
Committed to student development, student success coaches provide individualized support and broad student advocacy to help students navigate their college experience. By fostering strong relationships, coaches mentor students through academic, career, and personal development, supporting them to reach their goals.
S.O.A.R.S. Program
The Student Success Center is where first-year students are introduced to S.O.A.R.S., Successfully Orienting, Advising, and Retaining Students experience with graduation-in-mind.
Campus Location:
The Social Science Complex, behind the Blackmon BuildingMailing Address:
Tougaloo College
Student Academic Success Center
500 West County Line Road
Tougaloo, MS 39174Contact:
D’ante R. Benford, Ph.D. ‘10
Director of First and Second Year Programs
Jason Gibson, M.A.
Student Success Coach First and Second Year Programs