Upward Bound I Program
The Upward Bound I Program is accepting applications for the 2023-2024 Academic Component. During this phase, students meet on seventeen (17) selected Saturdays between September and April on the campus of Tougaloo College. Activities include academic classes in the basic skill areas of tutoring, counseling, and cultural enrichment activities. Participants must have an academic need, fall within the economic or first generation guidelines set forth by the U.S. Department of Education and meet other specific program requirements. The Upward Bound I Program provides services to participants from the following high schools: Callaway, Canton, Forest Hill, Holmes County Central, Jim Hill, Lanier, Murrah, Provine, and Wingfield High Schools. For information contact: Valvia Wilson, Federal TRIO Programs Director at 601-977-7878 or vwilson@tougaloo.edu. To apply for the Upward Bound I Program please click on the following link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=L5jeqyyBmEqcNHe0JzXmbBHZtgZd1QxGnpdEvjy3eGdUMVo5NExINjU3WVVUU0hUVUxJR0FBTDJDNi4u
Upward Bound II Program
The Upward Bound II Program is accepting applications for the 2023-2024 Academic Component. During this phase, students meet on seventeen (17) selected Saturdays between September and April on the campus of Tougaloo College. Activities include academic classes in the basic skill areas of tutoring, counseling, and cultural enrichment activities. Participants must have an academic need, fall within the economic or first generation guidelines set forth by the U.S. Department of Education and meet other specific program requirements. The Upward Bound II Program provides services to O’Bannon, Simmons, South Delta and Yazoo City High Schools. For more information contact: Demetrise Cooley, Assistant Director at 601-977-7748 or dlcooley@tougaloo.edu. To apply for the Upward Bound II Program please click on the following link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=L5jeqyyBmEqcNHe0JzXmbBHZtgZd1QxGnpdEvjy3eGdUM0JPVEVQQlVTMVdENEZORkdPUEdGNlNHVy4u
Upward Bound Math & Science Program
The Upward Bound Math & Science Program is accepting applications for the 2023-2024 Academic Component. During this phase, students meet on sixteen (16) selected Saturdays between September and April on the campus of Tougaloo College. The Upward Bound Math & Science Program is a federally funded pre-collegiate enrichment program designed to generate skills and motivation in the math and science areas for success in education beyond high school. The program concentrates on high school students who have an academic need, fall either within the economic or first generation guidelines set forth by the U.S. Department of Education, have a desire to attend a post-secondary institution and would like to major in a math and/or science related discipline. Students are selected from the following target high schools and must meet the eligibility requirements: Callaway, Canton, Lanier, Provine,
Wingfield, O’Bannon, Simmons, South Delta, and Yazoo City High Schools. Students who are accepted into the program will participate in a research component where they will gain exposure to the research process and its techniques. For more information contact: Dr. Valvia M. Wilson at 601-977-7878 or vwilson@tougaloo.edu. To apply for the Upward Bound Math & Science Program please click on the following link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=L5jeqyyBmEqcNHe0JzXmbBHZtgZd1QxGnpdEvjy3eGdUOUxBWEhOTE1SSllJVkEwMkU4QTZONEc5WS4u
Educational Talent Search Program
The Educational Talent Search Program is accepting applications for the 2023-2024 Academic Component. The Educational Talent Search Program identifies and assists individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds who have the potential to succeed in higher education. The program provides academic, career, and financial counseling to its participants and encourages them to graduate from high school and continue on to and complete their postsecondary education. The program publicizes the availability of financial aid and assists participants with the postsecondary application process. The middle schools targeted for participation are Blackburn, Nichols, and Northwest Jackson. The high schools targeted for participation are Forest Hill, Jim Hill, Leake County, McAdams, Murrah, Port Gibson, and Holmes County Central. For more information contact: Maria McNeil at 601-977-7853 or mpmcneil@tougaloo.edu . To apply for the Educational Talent Search Program please click on the following link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=L5jeqyyBmEqcNHe0JzXmbBHZtgZd1QxGnpdEvjy3eGdURUtCTllZQlVSMU1DRkFYS1VGQjRHWEpSRi4u
The Educational Opportunity Center is a program designed to assist adults with information about educational and career opportunities in Hinds, Claiborne, Holmes, Warren and Yazoo counties. The Educational Opportunity Center helps qualified adults who desire to enter or continue a program of postsecondary education by providing information on admission requirements and available financial aid. In conjunction with schools, agencies, and organizations in the target areas, this program develops, publicizes and implements strategies that are designed to increase the probability of dropouts being re-admitted to postsecondary schools. For more information contact: Dr. Amanda Lucas, Assistant Director, Educational Opportunity Center at 601-977-4475 or alucas@tougaloo.edu. To apply for the Educational Opportunity Center please click on the following link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=L5jeqyyBmEqcNHe0JzXmbBHZtgZd1QxGnpdEvjy3eGdUNjVZQzUxWDlWTUZUVTQ4QlRQV0tWMldKTS4u
Contact Information
We are here to help you. Feel free to call, email, visit, or write the Federal TRiO Programs at Tougaloo College.
Federal TRiO Programs’ Staff
Dr. Valvia M. Wilson, Director
601-977-7878Janelle Graham, Accountant
601-977-4478Upward Bound I Program
Latoya Pritchard, Academic Specialist
601-977-7850Erica Tobias, Program Assistant
601-977-7786Upward Bound II Program
Demetrise Cooley, Assistant Director
601-977-7748Endia Banks, Program Assistant
601-977-7878Upward Bound Math & Science Program
Shundra Jordan, Assistant Director
601-977-7849Endia Banks, Program Assistant
601-977-7878Educational Opportunity Center Program
Dr. Amanda Lucas, Assistant Director
601-977-4475Angela Barial, Program Assistant
601-977-4473Kelli Williams, Senior Counselor
601-977-6158Mailing Address:
Tougaloo College
Federal TRiO Programs
500 West County Line Road
Tougaloo, MS 39174