Certificate Programs
The School of Education offers over 30 state-approved certificate and endorsement areas. For information about our certificate and endorsement programs, visit the www.tougaloo.edu. Our most popular certificate and endorsement programs:
Child Development Association (CDA)
Gifted Education (K-12)
Reading (K-12)
Special Education (K-12) Mild to Moderate Mental Disabilities
Click here to review the Mississippi Department of Education's endorsement and licensure requirements for additional state-approved certificate and endorsement areas.
The Child Development Associate (CDA) is a national credentialing program. It provides an opportunity for early educators working in a variety of settings with children ages birth to 5 years old and their families to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and abilities in the early childhood education field. The certificate program is designed to assess and credential early childhood education professionals using multiple sources of evidence, including an exam, observation, and a professional portfolio. By earning a CDA credential in any of the settings below, an educator demonstrates a commitment to career advancement and professionalism.
Required Courses and Course Schedule
Eighteen (18) credit hours are required to receive a CDA certificate. Students pursuing this certification in other states must check with their state’s Department of Education certification requirements. Students pursuing the endorsement or certification from other states must check with their state’s Department of Education certification requirements. Summer course offerings are based on the availability of faculty. Courses must be taken in order.
Course Numbers and Titles |
Fall |
Spring |
Summer |
ECD 204: Practicum in Observing Young Children |
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ECD 210: Programs, Methods, and Materials for Young Children |
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ECD 220: Planning and Developing and Safe and Healthy Environment |
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ECD 224: Child, Family, and Community |
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ECD 350: Practicum in Teaching Young Children |
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Course Delivery
This 18-hour certificate program is offered completely online, using the College’s online learning management system.
The Gifted Education Certificate Program is designed to provide educators with the training and research needed to identify giftedness, to develop curriculum, to provide highly effective instruction, and to evaluate research-based models for serving the needs of gifted learners.
This is a graduate certificate program; therefore, the gifted education certificate program is only available to educators with a standard, five-year license.
Required Courses and Course Schedule
Twelve (12) credit hours are required to add the gifted endorsement to a standard, five-year educator license (elementary or secondary). Students pursuing the endorsement or certification from other states must check with their state’s Department of Education certification requirements. Summer course offerings are based on the availability of faculty. Courses must be taken in order.
Course Numbers and Titles |
Fall |
Spring |
Summer |
EDU 521: Characteristics of Gifted Learners |
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EDU 522: Methods and Materials for Gifted Learners |
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EDU 523: Program Development and Instruction for Gifted Learners |
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EDU 524: Curriculum and Practicum for Gifted Learners |
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Course Delivery
This 12-hour certificate program is offered completely online, using the College’s online learning management system.
Pre-K-K Certificate Program
The Pre-K–K Certificate Program is designed to provide educators with best practices and latest research related to the cognitive and social and emotional development of young children. If you already hold a Mississippi elementary education teaching license, you will have the opportunity to earn a Pre-K endorsement from the state. Non-licensed educators may participate in the program as well to further their professional learning. The College’s School of Education issues a certificate to currently enrolled students in the College’s Elementary Education undergraduate program and current educators who hold a standard, five-year educator license who want to renew their license or to continue life-long learning.
Required Courses and Course Schedule
Twelve (12) credit hours are required to add the Pre-K-K endorsement to a standard, five-year, elementary educator license (K-3, K-4, or K-6). Students pursuing the endorsement or certification from other states must check with their state’s Department of Education for certification requirements. Summer course offerings are based on the availability of faculty. Courses must be taken in order.
Course Numbers and Titles |
Fall |
Spring |
Summer |
ECD 301: Integrated Curriculum in Preschool |
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ECD 331: Differentiated Instruction for All Learners |
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ECD 341: Child Development and Early Learning |
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ECD 401: Research in Early Childhood Education |
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Please visit https://www.mdek12.org/OEL/How-to-Add-an-Endorsement-to-your-license for additional information about adding an endorsement to your educator license.
Course Delivery
This 12-hour certificate program is offered completely online, using the College’s online learning management system.
Reading (K-12) Certificate Program
The Reading Certificate Program (Grades K-12) is designed to provide students and educators with best practices and latest research related to the reading. The College’s School of Education issues a certificate to currently enrolled students in other academic areas and educators who hold a stand, five-year educator license.
Required Courses and Course Schedule
Twelve (12) credit hours are required to add the Reading endorsement to a standard educator license. Students pursuing the endorsement or certification from other states must check with their state’s Department of Education certification requirements. Summer course offerings are based on the availability of faculty. Courses must be taken in order.
Course Numbers and Titles |
Fall |
Spring |
Summer |
EDR 300: Early Literacy Instruction I |
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EDR 301: Early Literacy Instruction II |
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EDR 312: Reading Instruction, K-12 (across content areas) |
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EDR 420: Diagnostic and Prescriptive Reading |
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Please visit https://www.mdek12.org/OEL/How-to-Add-an-Endorsement-to-your-license for additional information about adding an endorsement to your educator license.
Course Delivery
This 12-hour certificate program is offered completely online, using the College’s online learning management system.
Special Education (K-12) Certificate Program
Concentration: Mild to Moderate Disability
The Special Education Certificate Program (K-12) is designed to provide an integrated, research-based approaches to theory, content, and pedagogy to equip students and educators with the experience and knowledge to help special-needs learners achieve. The College’s School of Education issues a certificate to currently enrolled students and educators who want to renew their license, add the endorsement, or to continue life-long learning.
Required Courses and Course Schedule
Twenty-one (21) credit hours are required to add the Special Education endorsement to a standard educator license. Students pursuing the endorsement or certification from other states must check with their state’s Department of Education certification requirements. Summer course offerings are based on the availability of faculty. Courses must be taken in order.
Course Numbers and Titles |
Fall |
Spring |
Summer |
SPED 217: Introduction to Exceptional Education |
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SPED 333: Introduction to Learning Disabilities |
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SPED 334: Introduction to Education of the Mentally Disabled |
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SPED 413: Methods & Materials for Teaching the Learning Disabled |
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SPED 414: Methods & Materials for Teaching Mentally Disabled |
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SPED ___: The Law and Special Education (under review) |
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PHE 413: Teaching Adapted Physical Education and Recreation |
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Please visit https://www.mdek12.org/OEL/How-to-Add-an-Endorsement-to-your-license for additional information about adding an endorsement to your educator license.
Course Delivery
This 21-hour certificate program is offered completely online, using the College’s online learning management system.