Tuition and fees at Tougaloo College are maintained at the lowest possible cost consistent with other private colleges. In fact, tuition and fees paid by the student cover less than one-third of the total cost of operating the College. The remainder comes from the endowments, contributions, alumni and other public-spirited persons, and grants from government agencies, private foundations, and corporations.
In estimating the total cost of attending Tougaloo College, students should also include an additional $650.00 per semester for books and supplies. The cost of travel, clothing, and personal items is not included in the tuition package. The College reserves the right to correct errors in student charges that are discovered subsequent to initial billings or fee assessment. All fees are subject to change by the Administration and Board of Trustees without prior notice
Tuition and fees are due in full at registration. A student’s registration is not considered complete for any given semester until all expenses are paid in full or acceptable payment arrangements are made through the Bursar’s Office. A late registration fee of $100.00 will be assessed for fees paid after the first day of classes. College policy requires timely payment for all charges owed to Tougaloo College, including but not limited to, tuition and fees, library fines, traffic/parking fines, medical expenses, residential charges, and late fees. Withdrawal from classes does not negate the student's responsibility to pay the balance of fees after the semester has begun. Per Federal regulations on the right to privacy, statements will be addressed to the student’s permanent address.
Therefore, the student is ultimately responsible for payment. Parents/guardians (or anyone else) may not receive specific information about a student’s bill, credit balance or excess (refund) checks. If a parent or another third party is accepting responsibility for making payments on the student’s behalf it is the responsibility of the student to SHARE ALL correspondence, including billing statements, with those individuals.
Although all charges are due in full at registration, students in good financial standing at Tougaloo College may choose the Tuition Payment Plan offered by the College’s educational partner. There is a charge (See Explanation of Fees) to enroll in the plan and the student must sign a consent agreement that makes each student liable for the payment of all charges and fees incurred by the student while enrolled. Any student who has not made satisfactory arrangements with the business office regarding his/her account may be administratively withdrawn from Tougaloo College. A late fee will be assessed to the accounts of all students who have not paid their balances in full by the following dates:
FALL: December 1st SPRING: May 1st
Payments are due on the 1st of each month beginning in August for the Fall Semester, and January for the Spring Semester. Failure to receive a statement will not be accepted as a reason for missing the payment deadline. If you have not received a statement, please contact the Office of the Bursar by phone at 601-977-7725. For more information about the payment plan, please visit the Bursar’s Office.
Every reasonable effort shall be made to collect delinquent student accounts. The Bursar’s Office will take the necessary steps to collect amounts not paid. Students with delinquent accounts will not be allowed to take exams, receive a degree or transcript, or to register for subsequent courses until all bills are paid. Any costs of collection, including interest, collection fees, and legal fees become the responsibility of the student. No student shall enter classes until all fees and any past due balances are paid in full.
Checks should be made payable to Tougaloo College and sent to: Tougaloo College, Office of the Bursar, located on the first floor of the Blackmon Administration Building, 500 West County Line Road, Tougaloo, Mississippi 39174. The College also accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, travelers and cashier’s checks, and money orders. To expedite processing, please include your name and student identification number on all forms of payment.